Hive Philippines Travel and Nature Photography #769 - by Allmonitors

#769 - Travel shots for today in Dipaculao.

Greetings once again fellow Hiveans. It's Thursday and we are nearing the weekend already in just a day. We didn't have much to do today but cook breakfast early in the morning as usual because we have a student that goes to school early too. Then after my son goes to school I also turn to sleep together with the wife since we work at night shift. Then during midday my mother in law and her brother went to a airfare booking office because her brother is going to another region in the country to visit his family somewhere in the southern part of the country which is about two hours of flight time.

Now moving to our daily shots we got here some scenes taken when my wife and I went home to the province to visit my recovering mother. One Friday we decided to drive with my parents and two of my siblings and a few relatives, all in all ten persons, and then we went to the Dinadiawan sea which is more than two hours of drive with our reliable workhorse ride, Isuzu Crosswind XL 2017. Upon reaching there we looked for a resort that is cheap and we found one worth $20 for a small cottage we could stay at for the day and that includes our entrance also.

After eating breakfast when we arrived at eight in the morning we then explored the beach shoreline. There were coconut trees where this shot was taken and the sands here are fine to be honest. The water is also shallow which is good for kids and there is an area where the water is deep in which we also experienced.



Then there's also some huge rocks on one part of the shore and my wife asked me to sit there hence these two shots 😂.


Fishing is the main livelihood of the locals here. There's a huge number of boats on one part where they dock their small fishing boats. Here's one that we sat one and use as props for this shot including the paddle.

Right in front of the nipa that we rented is also where I parked our workhorse and there were young group of people that has been there already overnight and they used those tents that we see not far. That is also where they set up their stuff to cook their food.


Follow me on my nature travels.
Shot taken in Dipaculao Aurora, Philippines.

Image/s were shot using Samsung Z5 flip phone. ~rex

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