Renmin Gongyuan (人民公园) - Peoples Park

This morning, just after sunrise, we went to Peoples Park for some exercise ( according to Xiaoyi I just wanted to see "The King", and it is most likely not far from the truth).


The visit reminded me of my previous promise to show Peoples Park in Infrared.

I often use infrared to create that "something different" in a scene that is otherwise familiar to most people.

Although I knew that the majority of my audience has not been to Peoples Park yet, on my first visit to Peoples Park, I noticed how many trees there are, so I decided to return the next day with my infrared camera in the early afternoon, while the sun is still high in the sky. (Green foliage renders much more vibrant in direct sunlight.)

I used my Fujifilm X-T1 infrared converted camera which is fitted with a 590nm infrared filter. I also used a custom white balance which renders green foliage as a blue/purple colour while the sky is turning an orange/amber colour.

I normally take the photos in both RAW en JPG (the JPG is convenient if I want to send photos to my phone for posting without any post-processing).


In this specific case, I liked the JPG files so much that I eventually decided not to use the RAW versions. With infrared, the RAW files need quite a bit of post-processing as the custom white balance is not interpreted correctly by my RAW converter.


This is my landscape post for the week.

Hope you enjoy it.

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