Amongst the Lychee Trees

Last Sunday we went on a community outing to a very interesting farm near Huizhou (about one and a half hour's drive with the bus from Shenzhen).


The farm belongs to the China National Space Administration. It is a nursery and research centre for food for China's current and future space missions.

But this post is not about the research they are doing, but rather about my tree photography. (I may at a later stage post more about what I saw on the day with regards the research they are doing.)

On our arrival, I noticed that next to the road is an old lychee farm. This dates most likely back to the time before the farm changed its purpose to be aligned with the Space Administration's requirements.


As you most probably know, I love trees. I could not wait for the formal walkabout and information sessions to end to get to the lychee trees! I decided to cut my lunch short in order to get to the trees.

Luckily I went early because it is lychee season and the visitors are allowed to pick the lychees for their own consumption.

My "me-time" amongst these old trees was not very long...


For me, this was the highlight of our visit!

Hope you like it.

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