Gone Fishin....

Just a small post of Sunday afternoons fishing trip to our local fishing lake here at Mukdahan on the banks of the Mighty Mekong river in Thailand.....

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It's a pretty spot...

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and it's got some pretty big fish in, quite a lot of which I don' actually know the names of...


Heres a small one that I caught a few of, rather like a mullet only a very long way from the sea, wriggly buggers...

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This one is somthing like a cross between an European Roach and a Bream...


But the fish of the day was one I do know the name of...

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A Mekong catfish...

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Only a small one, these go up to 200 plus kilos...


Good to eat at this size though...

I've always gone fishing since I was a six year old, taught by my Grandfather,

it is a form of meditation for me and always manages to relax me more than just about anything else...
Many thanks to my friend Tackie for providing most of the photography.......

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