Why vegans live a healthier life, or why not🌈RAINBOW BREAKFAST - How to create the next level food🌈

Have you heard about that idea that a diet based on plantbased foods is healthier than a 'normal' diet based on dairy and meat? Well, we are learning lately, that this is the truth. So let's start with a breakfast comparasing!

How do you like to start the day?

Some of us love a big breakfast that keeps us satisfied for hours, other people are not feeling hungry at all in the morning and skip that meal.
Both ways are healthy, if you feel good with it and listen to your body.

Don't trust all these new trend diet tips, that tells you to eat this but not that and only after a certain time of the day but absolutely not after 6 pm.
That may be true to THAT person, but it is for you? Find out when and how you feel comfortable in your body and learn to listen what your body is telling you.

Does your teeth feel sensitive after eating white sugar? Than replace it with a unrefined sugar and see if that works. Or what if you can't eat bananas because you just don't like it or it feels to sweet, then don't do that!

An other scenario: you love normal bread and could live one bread for days? Than go for it, if you love it and your body feels happy!

Who am I to say to you what to eat or not, even if I have thousands of followers, doesn't it mean that I know what's right for YOU.

Educate yourself, practice self love and take care of your body, your body is your teacher! Never forget that you can only find what's good for your self through your own experiences and knowledge about your body.

If I share tips with you, it is only because I have discovered that it works for ME, and it may work for you, bit it is nothing I could guarantee.

I have had a lot of struggle with my weight, eating disorders, eating to much, to little, to healthy, to unhealthy, but that's the way I have learned how to listen to my own body and don't listen a lot to advices from outside, because I am the one who lives my life and carry around my body. I want to feel HOME, comfortable and happy in my own skin. So I stopped comparing. I don't look at advertiment pictures on bikini ladies and think I should look like them! Gosh they are only children and working heard to fullfill expectation. Why should I go through THAT?

When you feel happy in your own skin, it shines through. Actually nobody looks at your body and think that or that, that only happens in your mind. Because how COULD you possible know what that person is thinking? And why in the whole world should a comment from someone means more to you than your own thoughts and believes about your self?

YOU are the creator of YOUR reality. Nobody else got that responsibility. Everyone has the right on their own views, and you have yours. So choose which one you find more valuable for your self.

The only relationship we have in life is the one we have with our self.
Byron Katie

Now it's time for me to show you some of my rainbow breakfast moment's! (Note: my pictures are my art, not what to expect in the reality!)

One of my favourite breakfast is a 'simple' jar or overnight oats topped with berries!

Sometimes I need that little extra and add some melted chocolate. Every day is a day to celebrate, right!

That blue colour is made with blue spirulina, a micro algue that contains B12 Vitamins.

Nut butter and coconut nectar is always a great choice to add to my breakfast.

There is a new contest going on:
#VeganRainbowContest by @deliciousplants and therefore I want to bring this post to their party!🌈

Let me know your thoughts on this topic, or let me know what you would like me to write more about, and which recipes you wish to see me create in a healthier style!


Love, Niina

Ps. Check out my instagram and blog for more simple vegan recipes!

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