Some shots on the road to the Nebrodi mountains

The following shot was taken on the road from Fornazzo to Linguaglossa, you can see the plants of gorse (Ulex europaeus) on the lava stone. The gorse is named "pioneer plant", thanks to its strong roots, it's one of the first plants to colonize the lava stones helping the process of erosion and consequently the creation of new soil.


In the picture below you can see an hill near Floresta, (the highest town in Sicily) in this place you can find ancient burial structures called "Tholos".
They belong to the late Bronze Age.


Here you can admire instead a beautiful landscape of an hill under the territory of Floresta, a place where you are surrounded by silence and the nature has the dominion over all. The smell of grass and flower mixed to the pure air of this place are inebriating.


As always I suggest: Do not sit at home, enjoy the travel, enjoy the adventure, enjoy an active life!!!


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