The Dood's Weekly Photo Blog - 6 -3 - 18

I bought a new phone for the camera for my summer travels and I've been snapping a lot of images as I ride around trying to get used to it. I thought it would be fun to do a weekly photo blog with them.

Taken Saturday on a drive through the Forest Lawn historic cemetery in Buffalo NY

A closeup of the canal that runs through the cemetery. Still trying to figure out my light settings.

Some pretty pink flowers.

One of my favorite places to ride at sunset. The Niagara Gorge at dusk.

The hydro electric power plant in the Niagara Gorge.

Another sunset over the Niagara River.

Some Geese in the park along the road.

These were some of my favorite snaps I took this week. Hope you enjoyed them. I'll try and post a set of my favorite images from the week every Sunday! Hope you all had a great weekend, and thanks for reading and checking out my pics!


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