Beauty of the mountains

Hi, Steemit !!!

Dolomite Alps - a mountain range in the Eastern Alps, are part of the Southern Limestone Alps. The array is located in the north-eastern part of Italy. The array is bounded by river valleys: Izarko (northwest), Pusteria (north), Piave (east and southeast), Brenta (southwest) and Adige (west) [2]. The length of the system is about 150 km, the highest point is the Marmolada Mountain (3342 m).

У  подножья Доломитовых  Альп.jpg

At the foot of the Dolomites Alps

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Window to another dimension

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The beauty of nature and mountains will long remain in the memory of those who visited there. In 2009, the Dolomites were included in the UNESCO World Heritage List by criteria vii and viii.


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