The bane of my current existence

It started yesterday and I already knew but when I got to my car it was confirmed. Pollen, especially from the birch kills me this time of year. I have never had allergies or hay fever until about 7-8 years ago but it arrived to make up for lost time. I have to take medication all year around now but, the start of the spring is the worst, especially for my eyes. The medication generally doesn't have much effect on me until allergy season begins and then it makes me quite tired. I think it is because my body is fighting the allergen even though most of the symptoms don't present.

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It is what it is so I went out into the sunshine to grab a few pictures anyway. I haven't used my extension tubes for macros for a long time and I thought I would blow off some of the cobwebs. It was quite windy so I didn't get what I wanted but, it was good to be out in the warmth anyway. These are from a tree just outside of the building that reaches up past our balcony.

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I like shooting around where I live even though I walk past all of these things multiple times a day. Having a camera in hand and especially with macro makes one pay more attention to what is going on in the little details. Little bugs covered in pollen and the budding trees and flowers. Everyone should get even a cheap camera or phone with a macro and go out into nature and see what there is to see as I think people would have a much higher appreciation for nature and therefore take better care of the environment when they see just how complex even the simplest of plants is.

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After crawling around on the forest floor and playing in the trees, I and my clothes (and camera) are covered in pollen now and I think I will head off to the shower and try to wash it away. After that, I might have a look at the other photos I took to see if anything is worth processing.

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