Are you dying to live or are you living to die? šŸ’€


Sometimes we get caught up looking back at the past and losing sight on our future, and more importantly the present. Our minds seem programmed to reflect rather than live in the moment to itā€™s fullest potential. We all know what itā€™s like to get into a disagreement and either let it fester inside you or end up in a full blown argument. Itā€™s where you go from there that determines your strength and energy. We all have the power to change our situation yet most of us donā€™t. Is it because we are complacent or satisfied with our current situations? Or are we worried about what others will think or say?

I like to believe that itā€™s because we have yet to unlock the power of our true sub-conscious mind. As thatā€™s where most of our reactions with life are coming from and we donā€™t even realize it. As of lately, even though Iā€™ve spent a lot of time reflecting on what has happened in my life, itā€™s led me to understand that I am the only one in control. That is unless I allow for others to control me first, and I will be the first to admit that the latter has been happening in my life for far too long.


Iā€™ve been put into situations where I feel as though I am required to do things in order to succeed. Such as purchasing a Buick because of the desire to impress, going to Starbucks because my co-workers do the same, vaccinating my children because itā€™s what the doctor says to do, working 50+ hours a week as a manager at a Sprint store to afford all the ā€˜niceā€™ things we ā€˜needā€™ including my overly priced rent for a house to live in, and so on.

I put myself in this situation and now Iā€™m here to get myself and my family out of it. Iā€™ve barely had a living even though the material items in my life may make it seem otherwise. The consumerism in todayā€™s world has left me with a detached feeling from what ā€˜livingā€™ actually means. I do not need any of these things to survive and what I do need is the very things Iā€™ve left out of my life for far too long. Such as health and undivided attention for those who deserve it. I get so caught up in work and trying to make a ā€˜livingā€™ that sometimes I donā€™t even take the time to drink a glass of water all day, or when I get home I tell myself Iā€™m too exhausted to play with my children.

We all need to set aside more time for ourselves and our loved ones. As when we die, from the words of Keanu Reeves, the only thing we know is that ā€˜the ones who love us will miss us.ā€™ So letā€™s all spend more time loving each other and appreciating the simple things life has to offer.


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