5 Tips for starting with (street)photography

Last year I decided that I was going to become more serious about photographing. I always had a big DSLR but never really used it much. So I sold it and bought a small rangefinder camera and forced myself to start photographing every week. Even though I’m still learning I though it might be useful to share with you some tips that I picked up this year! No rocket science just a few thumb rules accompanied by some pictures I took.


Tip 1 - The camera

The first trap of starting with photography is geeking out on the gear. I have definitely been there… But in this day and age you can take great pictures with almost any camera, and even your phone can do the job.
The most important thing is to find a camera that you enjoy shooting with. Like I mentioned I use to have a big DSLR with all the latest specs but I just didn’t enjoy carrying that thing around. So find a camera that you enjoy having around your neck.

Tip 2 - Find an incentive

Alright so you have a camera… Now you need to get out and SHOOT! In the beginning it will be easy but as time passes you’ll get comfortable and slowly your camera will start collecting dust. At least that is how it goes for me usually.
A good trick is to set a challenge for yourself. I did that by forcing myself to post a picture on instagram everyday. This way I had an incentive to go out. The fun thing about social media is that all your friends are witnesses to your  challenge so when you start slacking you will definitely get some remarks :)

Tip 3 - Selecting photos

The first tip to making selecting your pictures easier, is don't take to many of the same pictures in the first place :) In this digital age it’s easy to take 20 pictures of the same scene just to make sure you got it. But when selecting you will have a hard time finding the differences and it will only cost you time.
Another good trick is to wait a few days after you took the pictures before making a selection. This way you have a bit more of a objective view. 

Tip 4 -  Editing photos 

No worries if you’re not a photoshop pro. There are some great presets out there that will do a lot of the work for you. I’m a big fan of https://vsco.co/. The desktop version cost some money but will make it super easy to edit your photos in photoshop and lightroom with just 1 click. If you don’t want to spend any money you can also use the mobile version.

Tip 5 -  Get inspired

Whenever you don’t feel like photographing go and watch and some photography documentaries. You can see some of the greatest photographers at work and get new ideas for shooting. Here is a short list of my favorites.

Let me know what you think of the tips or the photo's I took.

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