Sapo juma flower garden

There are so many beautiful destinations like heaven of the world that you can find in Indonesia. Examples such as Sapo Juma is located in the Village Tongging, Karo, North Sumatra.


This natural tourist attractions are on the rise among the travelers you know. the reason why this beautiful flower garden more often visited by the traveler of course because of the beauty of his face that successfully captivated the eyes and can make anyone feel in love when he saw it.

you who have plans to travel to North Sumatra during the holidays may be interested to come to this Sapo Juma. Before you stop by, read first full review yuk here!

actually, this natural tourist spot is a villa or lodging for the traveler who come to Tongging Village area. However, this destination is better known by the visitors as a beautiful and charming garden.


a wide variety of flowers with a variety of colors you can find when there. Managers are deliberately care for and manage this area of ​​land in order to satisfy the hearts of guests who visit there.

Scenery in this tourist attraction is not just limited to the flower park lho. the legendary Lake Toba landscape is also clearly visible from Sapo Juma you know.

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