Film photography- A train trip in Autumn

Hi :-) I'm Ssalbori, named after Korean game, living in South Korea.
I'm a magazine editor, so taking pictures is my another work to do for the better article.
Let me show my works I've done so far to you.

I took some pictures on a train trip in last Autumn.


Actually it was my mistake to make the frame upside down the picture.
But it looks like a still-shot in a movie. So I don't mind it. (Of course I could not use them for my article..)
I was at the Suwon train station.


A lot of signs are there.
They exist as they are for their own purpose .
Telling, showing, warning.


Someone stops at the station while someone departs from the station.
A lot of 'UNKNOWNS' are passing one another.


All people have their baggage that weighs their destination.
Observing people sometimes enjoys my time. It puts me into lost time.

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