Cambodian Delicatessen

Fried Tarantulas

Hi, Dear Steemians Friends

Yesterday evening as I was walking in the streets of Siem Reap, I came across a market where they were selling some jungle food. For those who follow me for long, they already know that I love the jungle food. They were selling fried Scorpions, fried tarantulas, fried snakes, and also some fried grasshoppers (takaten) and crickets (kingrit). I often eat both takaten and kingrit in Thailand, I really love the taste and it is a kind of snack. Fried black Scorpions I also eat it already and it is not good to my taste as it tastes a lot like a medicine, but Thais and Cambodians are eating it as a medicine. But, Tarantulas, in Chiang Mai they do "nam prick bung" a kind of chili paste with smashed Tarantulas in it because in North Thailand they put so much chili inside that you can't feel the taste and it feels like eating fire. Here, the Tarantulas were fried on a stick so I get myself one fried Tarantula and a fried Snake. I really like snake meat, I eat it in many places all over Asia. I have to say the really best meat I ever eat was the Python steak, this is really a pleasure for me to eat it. Unfortunately, I cannot eat it anymore because of the regulation that comes into place around the year 2000 about protected species. I also use to eat Cobra but the meat is not as good as the python and also harder to chew. After buying my fried Tarantula and snake, I get back to my hotel to taste it. The snake was over fried and not as good as a Python steak, for the Tarantula I get some hesitation to put the Tarantula in my mouth but after 5 seconds I put half of it in my mouth and try to get the taste but it was the taste of the fried oil plus another thing close to Takaten taste. So, I decided to go for a leg and it was tasting different than Takaten but not bad at all, but after when it comes to the abdomen (the back part) inside the crispy was a liquid orangish kind of substance that I cannot eat, but I finish the 8 legs. Next time I will ask them to make it very very crispy for me and I will eat it all.

Fried Snakes

Fried Scorpions


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