Abandoned Hospital built in 1880

I’ve done a lot of crazy things in my life, but going inside an old hospital full of diseases (the irony) and syringes was never my intention. However, I saw the opportunity and took it without hesitation. So, today I’m going to invite you in a journey inside Caritas Clinic Hospital, in Bucharest.

Caritas is one of the oldest hospitals in Bucharest. The first blocks of the building were built in 1880. Their purpose was to offer shelter for children and women that came from poor families. After 11 years, the place became a small clinic with all the medical specialties. During World War I, it was finally transformed in a war hospital, under the patronage of princess Maria.

During the interwar years, the hospital reached its highest point of evolution. In 1948, the communists nationalized it and after only two years, it became a university hospital. The best doctors from the country, at that time, were working here.

In 2011, the health reform turned a lot of hospitals from Romania in asylums for the elders or abandoned places, simply because they were not profitable anymore. In Bucharest, the only such case was Caritas. The hospital was returned to its owner via a court order. One area of the building was converted in asylum for elders, while the other areas are damaged, as you can see in the pictures.

Inside the main yard, there was a deafening silence. The only thing threating to disturb it, was a dog. I had to walk carefully in order to avoid detection.

Inside the building, I found a lot of files and medical screenings. These lungs caught my attention.

The smell in these corridors was awful. I could barely breath.

The doctor was not present that day. I came across some medical files left behind, exactly like you see in the movies. Everything else was taken, the junkies were probably involved in this.

The fact that all the windows were open and broken, did not help in the smelling issue.

Suddenly, among the ruins you could see a blue light (like in a fairy tale). I went to check it.

Here, you could find the ugly part of the human life. Drugs, HIV… you name it. That was enough for me. Time to head back to exit!

In conclusion, I am truly sorry about what happened to Caritas Clinic Hospital. It had a lot of potential and it’s sad to see how older buildings with a lot of tradition and history get dumped so fast (and not even replaced with newer ones). Thanks for reading!

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