Abandoned block of flats in Bucharest

To begin with, I would like to apologize for my absence in the past two weeks. I know you expected me to post at least once a week, but I was caught up in different activities and I didn’t have enough time to write a single article but don't worry, I was always reading yours. I’m back now with a new story, hope you’ll enjoy it 😉 Don't forget to drop an upvote if you did find it interesting.

I’ve discovered near the Curtea Veche church, a building built at the beginning of the 20th century. It is impossible to ignore, because it is the highest construction in the perimeter of the streets Covaci, Şepcari, French and the Sun.

Not far from the entrance to Covaci Street is the former Universal Hotel, now under renovation, near which Mihai Eminescu worked as an editor at Timpul newspaper.

The abandoned building, hidden by the beautifully ornamented facades of neighboring houses, was certainly a block of flats. It is not known whether the Timpul employees lived here.

Neither the interior provides any evidence to that effect. At most I found out that the block was inhabited until three years ago, after which an expertise was expected to go into rehabilitation, packed with neighboring houses.

To enter the building, you have to cross the inner yard of a neighboring house above the Beer Bar 100. It was a lot of wood, like a house designed to tempt fire.

The six-story block of flats with an attic had about seven, eight rooms on the ground. They did not look like flats, not even studios, but more rooms. Some communicated with each other and there was only one toilet for all.

They were filled with building materials, old tools and furniture, possible reminiscences of the old tenants.

Towards the end of the dark hall, the ambience has changed. More and more brick and also more empty spaces.

The famous 'Brick Game' completely covered in dust.

An old fridge was in the way. Nothing inside though 😂

Perhaps this was where the nationalists lived, the golden-eyed toasting of the 13th Congress and the faded Flag of the Revolution, with the yellow almost turned white.

This is where our journey ends. I hope you had a taste of the way things were back then.

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