Adventure to the Majestic Tinuy-an Falls of Bislig City, Surigao del Sur, Philippines

To travel around the country and perhaps around the world is one of my greatest dreams and has been in my bucket list. As a free-spirited person, I love adventure so much and I don’t get tired to get awed with the wonders of nature. I know that nature has a lot to offer that would delight my spirit, fill my heart with happiness and my eyes spark with glee.


To go somewhere you’re not familiar with is what adds thrill to the adventure and to be with people with the same passion is like fuel that would keep you going no matter how rocky, steep and narrow the roads are and how many times the GPS would lead you to the wrong way.


Lucky enough that I found a lifetime partner who has the same interest as mine. We both love travelling, we are both in love with nature and commune with it, that in every time we get see and experience first-hand the marvels of God’s creation through the splendor of nature we seem to be invigorated.


The very first long land travel we had together was in the easternmost part of the Philippines. We travelled to Bislig City of Surigao del Sur from our hometown in Cagayan de Oro City for more than 8 hours just to witness the most talked about Majestic Waterfalls called Tinuy-an.

We first learned about Tinuy-an Falls when it was featured in one of the most popular magazine shows in the Philippine. After seeing it on TV, we got so itched and excited to see it ourselves.

We then scheduled our travel together with some adventurer friends. We packed our bags with so much exhilaration. The journey wasn’t easy at all, we get to traverse a roller coaster like roads with occasional rocky and bumpy streets. It was a physically exhausting travel indeed not to mention the sleep that was hampered but the spirit of an adventurer did not falter, rather it awakens our blood and the enthusiasm became high.


We reached the place past 6:00am the following day from a 9:30pm departure. We were so thrilled and we’re all sporting huge smiles on our faces. The way leading to the entrance of the magnificent waterfalls was enveloped with greens, big trees were like canopies impeding the rays of the Sun from penetrating, the place was so cold.



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Everyone was like kids gravitating towards that entrance of Tinuy-an Falls and the moment the huge waterfalls presents its beauty to us we were all in awed, we can’t believe our eyes seeing that massive silvery white water cascading through a wide cliff, it was truly the best of nature.

We all hurried to jump into the cold water of Tinuy-an Falls, the water seemed had a therapeutic effect that calmed our bushed bodies, but what’s more relaxing was the water massage. We learned from the locals of tinuy-an that it is best to have a water massage on top of the main waterfall where little precipice with deluge of massive water are found.


We then rushed to the top of the waterfalls to experience a great water massage but to our surprise, we see another beauty of nature that we almost missed if we did not dare climb the steep and slippery stairs and climb some rough big rocks. Huge volume of water cascading though the main waterfall makes white natural swimming pool and it brings the kids spirit on us.





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Standing on top of a of the cliff of the majestic Tinuy-an Falls in an eagle’s view gave me the glimpse of the lavishness of nature in the place, it also reminded me of the Legend of Tinuy-an Falls.



The Legend of Tinuy-an:

     The legend revealed that long before, the Magdiwata mountain settlers were enslaved by cruel tribesmen coming from the hinterlands of Agusan. They were mistreated by their masters and were forced to perform hard manual labor.

Tired of the maltreatment, the brave native convened among themselves and created a plan to be free of the cruelty. So, one day, while rowing the gakit (Bamboo raft) boarded by their masters, the slaves jumped off and intentionally shoved the gakit towards the waterfalls killing all their vicious masters and attaining the freedom that they longed for.

From then on, the high falling waters is called Tinuy-an Falls to commemorate the courage and gallantry of the heroic natives.

And because we fell in love with Tinuy-an Falls, we came back and this time with the whole family…..and the adventure turns in a family bonding worth remembering for a life time...


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