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Alumni Days and 5 Pin Bowling, Lifestyle and Homeschooling Blog, New Digital Art and Photography

Alumni Days

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Today was the University of British Columbia's Alumni Day. We headed out early, which was a good thing. The Fall rains have arrived. We usually get a few more weeks of dry and sunny weather, but not this year. Rain, rain, rain, for as long as the forecasters will cast. Hopefully, the meteorologists are exaggerating. It is not like they would ever do that. Right?

It was still a nice Alumni Day, but a little more abbreviated than most years. Most of the events were outside ones, and we did not relish tromping around in the wet. No Botanical or Nitobe Gardens for us this year.

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The first few hours were cloudy but dry. Nice enough to walk around in. I tasted some wine from Poplar Grove and tried my skill at football throwing and hockey slap shots. Turns out I throw a better pigskin than whack a puck. Mind you, it might have been the practice Minime and I had a couple days ago for our Physical Education class. Been ages since I've played floor hockey. Minime's age really. I was a floor hockey savage by the way.

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Tuned into the homecoming game last night too, on the CanadaWest Channel. It was the UBC Thunderbirds versus the University of Alberta's Golden Bears.

If @wwwiebe is about. T-Birds are now 4-0 after last night's win. No Alberta team can stop them. Dinos pfft.

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Minime had some fun in a bouncy castle gauntlet course. Loved that they had some bouncy fun for the bigger kids and adults.

In past years, when Minime was littler, he had a great time bouncing around. As we approached the small collection of airbag chateaux on the horizon, he told me he was too big to bounce anymore. There was more than a touch of melancholy in his voice. Seeing there was one designed for all ages made his day.



We picked up our swag (Stuff We all Get) from the swag tent.

This year there was popcorn ... something we don't eat a lot of; so Minime was 'thused. There was a mini football, apple cider vinegar gummies, and a pen. We then boarded a free shuttle bus and headed to the UBC Farm for its farmer's market and in search of a pumpkin patch.


Tasted some amazing Mainland Ginsky. whisky for gin drinkers. With superb herb balance and some juniper, it was simply scrumptious. They have a shop in Surrey, BC if you live in these vicinities.

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There was also some rather lovely Japanese whisky made from sweet rice. I am not really a whiskey drinker but can appreciate a well-crafted spirit. Very smooth and complex, with a super finish.


The rain held out for a little longer and we set out on a hike through the Endowment Lands. We got lost. Well, not lost, but penned in.

There was the fence; there was the road; and there was us looking for a way out. In the end, we had to retrace our steps; but a walk in the woods is better than walking the plank.

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A couple weeks ago, Minime and I headed over to our local 5 pin bowling alley for our physical education class, but first we had to do some prep work. Enjoy, Hive Homedders:)

From our studies ...

Pre-game, Equipment and Safety

  • exchange you outside shoes for bowling shoes
  • head to toe stretch and joint rotations to avoid injury
  • always make sure your fingers are on the outside when picking up a ball from the shoot

Point Values and Arrows

  • There are 5 pins.
  • The 2 corner pins, the pins farthest from the center, are worth two points each. The next two pins, closer to the center, are worth 3 points each. The center pin is worth 5 points. All 5 pins are worth 15 points.
  • The arrows on the lane provide targets for each pin.

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Steps should be a normal walking length. On the third step we slide and the ball is released, with our feet and shoulders pointing at our target.


  • On step one, while holding the ball, we put our arms together and out in front.
  • On step two, we bring the arm holding the ball back. The opposite arm goes out to the side.
  • As we start to slide, we bring the back arm forward and release the ball and our target.

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