Jungle in the South 🍃

Adventure photography time!🍃

January, 2018.

After what seemed an eternity I went back to the south🗺 , more exactly in the Fernandez Feo municipality, it was in a one-day trip offered by one of the main Enterprise of eco-turism in the state. This time around I was joined by just four of my friends because it was an overnight plan and not everyone was free to go. At 7 a.m. we were in the meeting point ready to start, but first we were entertained by a little show pulled off by some drunk fellows who came from the local fair, then we got to the bus and hit the road!

This time we discovered that beyond the Doradas river, on the route to the plais, exist these small but beautiful Wells, surrounded by very slippery rocks and thick vegetation.🍃

[The first friend we made there was this red snake taking a bath, such a pretty creature.🐍]

📍 "La Escandalosa" brook.

An adventure full of wildlife🕷

Going through this natural corridor is a tree trunk which is used to walk over it, trying to keep balance, but as you can imagine, the instinct is to put your hands on the rock walls to not fall deeper into the wáter, everyone was trying to not get their backpacks wet.

Well, turns out that those walls are filled with spiders🕷 bigger than my hands.😲

Would you dare to cross it?

🚩"El Elefante" falls.

Not so big but sure it has power, this water course is responsable for shaping the curves that make this landscape so special😍

[P.S.: if you ever get to visit this spot, you will get a spa treatment from the little fishes who live there👌🏼]

This is where I’m from.

From these places that make me feel like the adventurer little girl I’ve always been, that refuses to die inside me.

Where nature stands above everything.

. . .

This day was great, we enoyed the place to its fullest and everything went perfect, we arrived back home with nice memories and even better pictures, I hope you liked them and see you next time!

If you're curious to know about my travels you can visit my profiles on:

Thank you for your time!

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : http://paolapernia.vornix.blog/2019/02/24/jungle-in-the-south-%f0%9f%8d%83/

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