Liam trying to be the little actor/model.

Liam is such a pip!  

He's always wanting to have his picture taken and or asking if I'd record him doing something.  Liam spends every free moment watching so much YouTube, and at first, I thought it was a waste of time, but I ended up changing my mind. Surprisingly he has learned a great deal from watching videos.   Being only eight years old he's learned a lot from Minecraft and Roblox videos. It amazes me what he learns from intently watching videos.  Liam is wanting to try and start programming in Minecraft, and I am all for that and out of my three he's probably the one that's the most like me... my techie child.  

Last summer in Asheville, North Carolina we was visiting my sister Carmen and she has quite the potted garden on the side of the mountain she lives on.  Liam was all into smelling her flowers and paying them a great deal of attention wanting to learn about them.  Liam decided he wanted his pictures taken while smelling the flowers and after every image, he tried to look at them.  Most of them you can tell they are posed but they are so cute.  I wasn't going to do much with them at first but after awhile I forgot about them until the other day he mentioned them to me.  Since bringing them up I decided to make a collage and show them off.  Liam has no shame in his game and he's rather proud of having people see him admiring flowers.  

#kids #flowers #acting #fun #ozhiya #alirivka

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