Photos From A Day In My Life : Rice Fields And A Stream

I had to travel to a village on the 10th, a few days ago. To reach the village, I had to drive for two hours, then walk for another two. I had wanted to take some pictures along the way but it was a dreary day, with rainfall dogging me, and the sky was overcast.

Despite the weather, I did manage to take some shots of the terrain and while walking, I had to cross a stream which was swollen, and some rice fields which had just been planted. I hope you like them!

All photos have been touched-up using GIMP, scaled in size and taken with my mobile camera, Samsung Galaxy S6 edge

Came across these rice fields while walking down. The fields had been planted just a few weeks back and you can see the terrace and the water it holds.

Another view of the same fields. Notice the clouds and the overcast skies.

Had to cross this stream, or a khola as we call it. Otherwise a small stream, it gets swollen up as ice melts in the higher reaches of the Himalayas this time of the year.

Another view of the same stream with a larger perspective.

You can right-click and open image in a new tab for a larger format.
All photos are free to use without attribution or copyrights.
(Though you may give me credit, if you wish!)

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