Boh Rom Rom Food Typical Aceh


Boh rom rom is a typical aceh cake food, this cake is very liked by aceh people, this cake is very tasty because it is made from bread flour, grated coconut, and contains sugar Java.

This cake is often found during breaking moments in the month of Ramadan and when the tadarus brought by the local community to the mosque and mushalla near the house of the community.

This cake is very affordable, for the people of Aceh who want to feel it can buy in the cake tax and found in the month of Ramadan in the areas of Aceh.

Boh rom rom merupakan makanan kue khas aceh, kue ini sangat disukai masyarakat aceh, kue ini sangat enak rasanya karena terbuat dari tepung roti, parutan kelapa, dan berisi gula jawa.
Kue ini banyak ditemukan saat momen berbuka di bulan ramadhan dan saat tadarus yang dibawa oleh masyarakat setempat ke mesjid dan mushalla yang ada di dekat rumah masyarakat.
Kue ini sangat terjangkau harganya, bagi masyarakat aceh yang ingin merasakannya bisa membeli di pajak kue dan banyak ditemukan saat dalam bulan ramadhan ini di daerah-daerah aceh.

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