My Parkour Photos (5 years of training)

If you do not pursue your goals you will not achieve them
Si no persigues tus objetivos no lograrás alcanzarlos

Hi guys! my name is Reny alejandro i'm from venezuela. i'm 19 years old and i have been doing parkour since i was 14 .

This really become my lifestyle, i have learned a lot of things from it, especialy : Nothing that is worth comes easy , if you really want it you have to fight for it! , try try and try until you acomplish what you want.

The main phrase of Parkour leaves much to think "Be strong to be useful"

If you are weak how can you help others? so make an effort, strive to be better than yesterday and remember that you can always overcome yourself a little more


no limit.jpg






I just want to continue on more adventures. Being close to good energy. Connect with good people. Learn new things. To Grow.
Yo sólo quiero seguir en más aventuras. Estar cerca de buena energía. Conectar con buena gente. Aprender cosas nuevas. Crecer.


I'm the one in the middle, this was in a parkour meet up

Well, I'm 19 today, and I'm pushing way harder than I ever have before. Im not the best, or the most powerful, or the most creative, or the most well rounded, but I'll never stop pushing as hard as I can to reach my potential. Thanks to all the friends I've made all around the world in these 5 years of training. I never let anyone tell me what I can or can't do or who I can or can't be. Let 'Em Come.

Bueno, tengo 5 años de entrenar y llevar este estilo de vida y me estoy superando mucho mas que nunca. Quizas no soy el mejor del mundo o el mas fuerte o el mas creativo, pero nunca dejaré de mejorar y progresar para desarrollar todo mi potencial. Gracias a todos los amigos que he hecho por medio del parkour, no dejes que nadie te diga lo que puedes o no hacer!

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