Viaje a Bahía con La tia Su. / Trip to Bahia with La tia Su. [ES/EN]

Mi tia, es una de mis personas favoritas en el mundo. Es mi referente, el modelo de mujer que quiero seguir: Independiente, trabajadora, amorosa, llena de amigos, inteligente y creativa. Siempre fuimos muy compañeras, pero a mis 18 años, cuando parecia que todos se iban, ella se quedó y se convirtió en mi mejor amiga y un poco en mi mamá.

Vivimos juntas durante varios años, y ahora que ya cada una tiene su casa, nos ocupamos de, por lo menos, una vez por semana vernos y compartir algo juntas: un mate, una salida al teatro, un museo, o mirar la tele en su casa.

Hace un año, nos propusimos hacer un viaje juntas y nos fuimos a Bahía, Brasil. Estuvimos unos días en la ciudad y otros tantos días en Boipeba, una isla que se encuentra a unos pocos kilometros.

Llegamos la Bahia super de noche y muertas de hambre pero con muchas ganas de conocer, nos cambiamos y nos fuimos a caminar por la costanera del mar buscando algo rico que comer. Nos pedimos una cerveza bien fria y yo creo que fue la cerveza más rica que yo tomé en mi vida. Caminamos un poquito, pero estabamos muy cansadas, por lo que nos fuimos a dormir.

Nos despertamos con el olorcito a café que estaban haciendo en la hosteria donde estabamos parando. Los desayunos, con fruta, cositas dulces y saladas caseras es una de las cosas que más recuerdo del viaje... siempre fui una gordita. Una vez desayunadas, nos fuimos al Pelourinho, un lugar realmente mágico.. caminamos como locas, nos divertimos un montón y comimos cosas riquisimas... yo soy fan del pescado, así que estaba en el paraíso.. a ella no le gusta y vivió todos los días a pollo... Volvimos temprano para aprovechar la playa y cuando empezo a atardecer nos fuimos al faro a escuchar una banda que hacia canciones tipicas del lugar. Ese momento fué la gloria.

El segundo día fue un día muy esperado para mi, porque fuimos a Bom Fim, una iglesia que se caracteriza por tener unas cintitas de colores que les muestro en las fotos. Tenes que atar una cintita con 3 nudos, cada nudo es un deseo... uno de mis deseos fue que el chico del que estaba enamorada hacia unos años se enamore de mi... pasaron unos años y hoy es mi novio, y estamos muy enamorados y felices los dos. Estuvimos tanto tiempo recorriendo esa iglesia que se nos hizo tarde para almorzar y terminamos comiendo en la casa de una señora que nos invito a comer. La comida más rica del viaje.
A la atardecer volvimos con los musicos, eran imperdibles. Yo me acerque a hablar con ellos, nos pasamos los contactos e intercambiamos música. Yo les conte de la musica argentina y ellos me pasaron una playlist de musica bahiana que hoy es mi playlist preferida y siempre me pone de buen humor. Los brasileros tienen eso.

Tercer día, emprendimos el viaje a Boipeba. Un viaje super largo que incluyó un micro, un ferri y una lancha, pero llegamos al paraiso. Es una isla muy chiquita que esta cerquita de Morro. Llegamos de noche, comimos, paseamos por la isla y a dormir.

Despertarse en ese lugar es una experiencia irrepetible. La Posada Tassimirin dónde estabamos parando estaba en el medio de la selva y a la vez, a unos pasos del mar. Desayunamos y nos fuimos a recorrer toda la isla.. cada tanto nos cansabamos, parabamos a tomar agua de coco, nos metiamos al mar y nuevamente a caminar. Esa noche se largo una tormenta que perduró durante los 10 días que estuvimos en la isla.

Siempre voy a estar muy orgullosa de nuestro positivismo de esos días. En cuanto salía un poquito el sol, nos ibamos a la playa. Si llovía poquito, aprovechabamos para salir a caminar por la isla. Cuando no se podía salir, nos quedabamos jugando a algo, leyendo o durmiendo la sista.. Ciertamente, no recuerdo unas vacaciones en la que haya descansado tanto como esos días.

El último día, salió el sol y nos regaló una despedida increible. Aprovechamos para estar en la playa todo el día, salir a comer, hicimos una excursión, parecía que el día no se iba a terminar nunca. Nos regaló la posibilidad de hacer todo lo que queriamos.

Volvimos como fuimos, lancha, bus y ferri. Nos quedaba sólo una noche en Bahia y por supuesto, fuimos a ver a nustros amigos músicos, que terminado el show nos invitaron a comer.

La tía, no es sólo una mujer incrible, también es una gran compañera de viaje.


My aunt is one of my favorite people in the world. She is my role model, the model of a woman I want to follow: Independent, hardworking, loving, full of friends, intelligent and creative. We were always very close, but when I was 18, when it seemed like everyone was leaving, she stayed and became my best friend and a little bit my mom.

We lived together for several years, and now that we each have our own house, we make it a point at least once a week to see each other and share something together: a mate, a trip to the theater, a museum, or watching TV at her house.

A year ago, we decided to take a trip together and we went to Bahia, Brazil. We spent a few days in the city and a few days in Boipeba, an island a few kilometers away.

We arrived in Bahia late at night and starving but eager to know, we changed and went for a walk along the seafront looking for something tasty to eat. We ordered a cold beer and I think it was the best beer I ever had in my life. We walked a little bit, but we were very tired, so we went to sleep.

We woke up to the smell of coffee being made in the hosteria where we were staying. The breakfasts, with fruit, homemade sweet and savory things is one of the things I remember most about the trip... I was always a chubby girl. Once we had breakfast, we went to Pelourinho, a really magical place... we walked like crazy, had a lot of fun and ate delicious things... I am a fan of fish, so I was in paradise... she does not like it and lived every day with chicken... We came back early to take advantage of the beach and when it started to get dark we went to the lighthouse to listen to a band that played typical local songs. That moment was the glory.

The second day was a long awaited day for me, because we went to Bom Fim, a church that is characterized by having colorful little ribbons that I show you in the pictures. You have to tie a little ribbon with 3 knots, each knot is a wish... one of my wishes was that the boy I was in love with a few years ago would fall in love with me.... A few years passed and today he is my boyfriend, and we are both very much in love and happy. We spent so much time touring that church that we were late for lunch and we ended up eating at the house of a lady who invited us to eat. The most delicious meal of the trip.
At sunset we went back to the musicians, they were not to be missed. I went over to talk to them, we exchanged contacts and exchanged music. I told them about the Argentinean music and they gave me a playlist of Bahian music that today is my favorite playlist and always puts me in a good mood. Brazilians have that.

Third day, we started the trip to Boipeba. A super long trip that included a bus, a ferry and a boat, but we arrived in paradise. It is a very small island near Morro. We arrived at night, ate, walked around the island and went to sleep.

Waking up in that place is an unrepeatable experience. The Posada Tassimirin where we were staying was in the middle of the jungle and at the same time, a few steps from the sea. We had breakfast and went to walk around the island... every now and then we got tired, stopped to drink coconut water, got into the sea and walked again. That night a storm broke out and lasted for the 10 days we were on the island.

I will always be very proud of our positivity during those days. As soon as the sun came out, we went to the beach. If it rained a little, we took the opportunity to go for a walk around the island. When it wasn't possible to go out, we would play a game, read or sleep. I certainly don't remember a vacation in which I rested as much as I did during those days.

The last day, the sun came out and gave us an incredible farewell. We took the opportunity to be on the beach all day, go out to eat, we did an excursion, it seemed that the day was never going to end. It gave us the possibility to do everything we wanted to do.

We returned as we went, boat, bus and ferry. We had only one night left in Bahia and of course, we went to see our musician friends, who invited us to eat after the show.

The aunt is not only an amazing woman, she is also a great travel companion.

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