We have such a diverse wildlife even in the city. Here in Alberta, our wetlands are our pride and are protected area and must not be disturbed so neighborhoods and cities get built around them leaving a trail of ponds and parks thru out the city.

These wetlands attracts a diversity of birds but certainly dominated by ducks of all kinds and colors. While walking around ponds and wetlands, one must be careful not to step on nests or little ducklings as they tend to nest in the tall grass surrounding the pond.

Ducks are fair size so don't scare as easily as small birds and are very curious, if you stay put for a bit, they will come check you out and parade their feathers and colors like my golden eye friend.

The playful little critters enjoy splashing around the pond and acting silly all day long making them fun to watch and photograph. It has been my mission to capture one in flight and landing in the pond but that part is hard, they are fast. This is the best I have so far but I will keep trying.

Hope you enjoyed! have a good weekend Steemian friends!

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