Same Light Setup. Light & Dark Photography


Happy Monday, Hive :D

Wow, I can't believe we're already over half way through May, time flies when you're quarantined haha.
Today I'd like to share with you all a couple of images I took a few months ago, yeah, I've been feeling too lazy/uninspired lately for the photos, must be damn magnetic storms' fault 💯

For these pictures of dragon fruit I used an identical light set up with a speedlight inside of an octagon softbox placed on the right side of the subject. I might have used a reflector too, but, honestly I don't recall 🤭 sorry! The only thing that I did swap was the color of my surface and background, such a minor adjustment can really change the mood of your picture . . . for better or worse haha. Sometimes I feel like playing around with both dark and moody and light and airy photography if I can't decide what mood I'm going for. In case of these though, I do enjoy the photo on the left more, but I'm naturally more drawn towards dark images haha.

What do you guys think? Let me know in the comments ⌨️ ✍🏻



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