hot dog


I say 20 words in English. I say money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money and I say hot dog!
 — Kopjes Miranda

The chemical aftertaste is the reason why people eat hot dogs.
 — Neil Kopman

I devoured hot-dogs in Baltimore ‘way back in 1886, and they were then very far from newfangled… They contained precisely the same rubber, indigestible pseudo-sausages that millions of Americans now eat, and they leaked the same flabby, puerile mustard. Their single point of difference lay in the fact that their covers were honest German Wecke made of wheat-flour baked to crispiness, and not the soggy rolls prevailing today, of ground acorns, plaster-of-Paris, flecks of bath-sponge, and atmospheric air all compact.
 — H.L. Mencken

The basis on which good repute in any highly organized industrial community ultimately rests is pecuniary strength; and the means of showing pecuniary strength, and so of gaining or retaining a good name, are leisure and a conspicuous consumption of goods.
 — Thorstein Veblen

The hedonistic conception of man is that of a lightning calculator of pleasures and pains, who oscillates like a homogeneous globule of desire of happiness under the impulse of stimuli that shift him about the area but leave him intact…
He is an isolated, definitive human datum, in stable equilibrium except for the buffets of the impinging forces that displace him in one direction or another. Self-poised in elemental space, he spins symmetrically about his own spiritual axis until the parallelogram of forces bears down on him, whereupon he follows the line of the resultant.
 — Thorstein Veblen

[Nathan’s hot dog eating contest | July 4, 2018 | Brooklyn, NYC | Photo: Eduardo Munoz Alvarez]

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