My princess 1st Birthday party...

Hello everyone.... how have you been?
Well well well... My baby is now getting more active and since the sun has started to warm this zone she's naturally very excited to explore the world outside her house. ^_^ 

Therefore I have now less and less time to be online long enough and focused enough to write an article. I need to be more alert outside because there are more things out of my control.

For example the tendency of infants to put everything they found in their mouth and eat it. Few days ago I found her eating earthworm. T_T
But that's still rather harmless, there is something worse than that. 

In recent years even here in Germany, which was often called as a pioneer of eco-friendly society, there are too many ignorant idiots who don't know (better to say: don't care) that there is such a thing called "a trash bin" in this world.
Many of them saying to love animals so that they raise dogs as pet, however... it seems that this thing called "love" is not going in line with the awareness of responsibility. 

You wouldn't let your children use the street and other public facility, let alone other people's property as a toilet, would you? However I found that in the last few years there are more and more people so ignorant and even let their dogs leaving their poops under the signboard which states that one could be fined for leaving dogs poop scattered in the public space. 

We're living in a neighbourhood which is encircled by play street so that infant and toddlers could play outside safely. However dog poops are always found here and there, even right in front of our gate. What a disrespectful attitude.
When our neighbour hasn't build a fence, they even found poops in their garden!

Once we caught a culprit and told her to clean their dogs mess but she dared so cheekily claimed that she already paid the dog tax. What does it got anything to do with leaving dirt on the street?
People pay taxes for their vehicles too but it doesn't mean that it is Ok for them to spill their gasoline anywhere they like, does it?!

Our neighbours also have toddlers, so they of course have the same worries like me that their children might eat dog poops. And they have encountered similar rude and ignorant responses.
It seems as if the quality level of conduct in our society is degrading slowly anyhow.

Ah enough with ranting… Initially I only wanted to share some pictures of my princess 1st birthday party. But I was irritated after...again… my stroller rolled over dog poops when I went out to have a little stroll with my baby.
And the location was exactly infront of the garden gate of our next-door neighbour.

Nevermind... To soothen my anger and pimp my mood again, let's just enjoy the pictures! :)

I have already written the recipes of some dishes there, the remaining ones will follow soon... 

It seems like she was eager to enjoy the cake .... This cake was a gift from one of myyy guest, a good friend of mine. :)

Daddy must be called from his cave to take a little snapshot with the princess.
The lonewolf Daddy normally doesn't like to join a lively party or similar events with many people around. However the little princess would wonder in the future where her Daddy could have gone, if he's no where to be seen in her birthday party pictures, especially the first one. :-D

With my Thai - girlfriend and her daughter.

Hey hey hey... she seems to not care who is feeding her, the most crucial thing is.... to eat till the heart content LOL...
It was somebody's Mommy, and that somebody was complaining now and then that she also fed another baby (my baby). ^_^
A row of main dishes...

This is called "tahu isi" or in some regions in Indonesia would be called "tahu susur", which is fried tofu stuffed with veggies. Both dishes were cooked and brought by my friends.
This one is corn and veggies pancake called "Bakwan".

The next row are korean dishes made by me.
It's spicy grilled chicken wing ala Korea.
This is beef bulgogi. The recipe has been posted by me few months ago.
Muffins and Sus cakes with "Vla" fruity sauce
Banana split cake.
Pancakes with ragout filling. It's not made by me but brought over by a friend.
Indonesian salad with spicy desiccated coconut dressing called "urap sayur". I also have posted a recipe for this.
Muffins Brownies. Both were made by me.

Fruit cocktail without alcohol.

I hope I didn't make you drooling. :-D But more than that, I hope I didn't disgust you with the story about the "dog scandal". However I was really irritated. Today I found again a warning bill again pasted on the fence gate of another neighbour 400 meter further from my house.

So it's obvious that I'm not the only one being mad because of this issue.
See you next time and thanks for your upvotes. ;-)

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