New Years in an Arctic Labyrinth


Hi Steem friends! It’s been a while since my last post, for good reason! The holiday season has begun and my ski hill job has gotten all of a sudden crazy busy.

Good news though! I have Final Cut X to play with and learn how to use so some new videos shall be coming shortly!

Winter in Fernie got a little more special this year, with one of my brother from another mother’s, TJ coming to visit for a few weeks.

Here’s us prepping for a day of hunting fresh lines and powder pockets in the 5 legendary bowls of Fernie Alpine Resort, British Columbia.


It was a cold one today. -25 degrees centigrade on the hill and -31C including wind chill. But there was a fresh dump of snow last night and the inversion that greeted us from the top of white pass chair was spectacular.


The trees are slowly taking their full mid-winter ice and snow covered form. Like flowers on full bloom in spring.


I came to Fernie to snowboard and be free from the day to day grind before settling. So the pep talk I gave myself here before dropping into the Currie Bowl was zen like and exactly what the doctor ordered.


Happy New Year to everyone! May 2018 bring you much joy and happiness. May it be fulfilling to you and all those close to you.


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