7 World’s Continents Photo Challenge North Europe Thursday - Dog Sledding in Tromso

It has been several years since I returned to China. From time to time, I still think of those days when I was studying in Europe. Whenever summer&winter vacation come, we can not wait to travel with friends around Europe.

The most impressive is the Nordic trip, Tromso is the largest city in northern Norway, located in the Arctic Circle. Before we set out, we are extremely excited, because it was the first time into the Arctic Circle. We ordered many events, like snowmobiles, sled dogs, skiing and aurora searching, etc.

Two people seat one sledge, one lying while the other sitting behind. I am the one who lies, screaming all the way. Although the speed is not fast, but in some bumpy places, I feel like I were fiercely thrown to the ground. Dogs are very cute, they run particularly with good skills.






Thanks for following and upvoting @jessicameng

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