Natures Message here. BeNd buT D0 Not BreaK! 💪🌴👍

Whats up everybody! 🤗I have some pics and thoughts to share...about this tree. 😝

If any of you have been to Koh Phangan island, you most likely have seen the iconic side grown coconut tree that I have some pics of below.

Anytime I go by the thing there is that saying that pops into my head...

Bend but do not break!
Keep breathing. Keep doing it.


It is like nature displaying a message for us all to see if we have eyes to see and perhaps a heart to feel it too.

I've seen some steemians with pics and visits to Koh Phangan before...Any one else seen this tree I have here? 😎

Thanks for checking my post. I hope you are all well wherever you are in the world.
Steem on!🐳

Steemit ITSMEIN3D watermark black caps.jpg

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