I once posted a fresh photo every day for a full year on Steem.


It's been a while (again)!

I'm a bit ill right now, under a weird flu that's kept me tied to the bed for almost four days now. Something in my lungs I guess. Had to skip some gym days too.

I finally managed to do come out of the beddings tho, and do something on the computer, so I started writing this post too.

I haven't really felt very motivated or inspired lately, so I've had to take a good long break from social media. (Although not very successful. Reactivating Twitter was a bloody mistake.)

Anyway... I was wondering. I once did a year-long project posting one fresh photo each and every day for 365 consecutive days on Steem, and I called it #onephotoeveryday. (At the end of this post I have posted a direct link.)

Would you guys be interested if I made a similar photography a project again? I am not sure if I'm willing to do a full year as I did last time. It sort of made me burn-out a bit. But I actually thought it was quite fun.

Keeping up a good healthy schedule and maintaining it has been my worst hangovers when doing anything. But having a project like that might also be the key to start working out how to restructure my days and perhaps add a routine to it.

I haven't taken any photos since last Christmas, and I fear that I am getting rusty. I have a nagging feeling in the back of my head, that I should do something ASAP. But I still think I need to rest and heal myself first, as I have not yet recovered from the flu.


Oh, and I also broke my keyboard, so I am now using a crappy bluetooth keyboard for the time being. (That's not very motivating either, but we'll see...)

Anyhow, if you want to see how my previous project went, you may be interested in starting from the last post of my "One photo every day" #threesixtyfive project. I think you'll be able to navigate backwards and see most if not all of the photos I took during the year.

Before I go... Here's a photo collage of Ninnu, taken last Sunday at a dog show in Lahti.


She didn't get prices, but she wasn't disqualified either. Out of five Russian tsvetnaya bolonkas there, only 2 made it through the judging.

Ah... But now I need to go rest again. I've been sleeping most of the week as I'm all out of energy.

Let me know if you'd like me to start posting photos again. I might not be back for a few days though, but I guess I need to start being active sooner or later.

Yep. See ya!

P.s. This post may have come out a little bit rantish and incoherent at places, but I hope you can forgive me, as I'm still recovering from the flu. Also, scary news about Wuhan and the new corona virus. I hope you are all well though!

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