One photo every day: Final day! My trip to Pernaja, the birthplace of Agricola, the father of the written Finnish language (365/365)

Celebration time!

I finally edited the photos I took today, and I'm going to post them all.

My hunt for the perfect photo took longer than I anticipated, and in the end I didn't get one photo, but a steemboatload of excellent photos!

It all started when I departed from the gym today morning, at 10:45. I was hungry as @omsoc had pushed me to all my limits, and I was so exhausted I almost dropped dead twice or three times at the gym. (Well I can exaggerate a bit can't I, for the story's sake? No?)

After having a quick snack I drove to Orimattila, and started pondering what I should photograph. I had no idea.

So I took a free coffee from a nearby R-kioski as I had a 5th coffee for free card filled with stamps. Then I hopped into the car and started driving aimlessly around the countryside still wondering what to shoot.

Driving the gravel road.

I drove all the time more narrow gravel roads, until I stopped. I found some flowers.

Lupinus polyphyllus

another one

I bet Vera knows what flower this is. She's sleeping, can't ask.

lupines are really pretty

Fireweed (Chamaenerion angustifolium)

Then I drove on until I got to a place called Terriniemi.

Shot from a bridge.

Nice framing!

The above photo demonstrates reverse bokeh. I'll leave it for the class to figure it out.


When I left after taking the photo of the ponies, my car started rattling and I thought my backpipe had fallen. After a quick inspection I found it wasn't, there was just a pebble in the break shield.

...the road goes on...

...but there is still time to smell the flowers...

...while smelling the flowers I also shot a panorama.

Then I took a detour...

...I noticed these birds, and took a photo...

...but a huge truck pushed me to continue... Straight into a dead-end. I had driven into someone's home yard. I had to wait for the truck to enter the yard before I could leave. :D

The bird photo is excellent though.

Then I drove on, and found myself in Pernaja, some 80 kilometers away from home.

Pernaja's Church

The Pernaja Church is a medieval church built somewhere around 1410 and 1440.



more nature

The man himself. The statue is a copy of the original that was lost in the end of the Winter War.

Mikael Agricola was a Lutheran clergyman, the de-facto founder of literary Finnish and a prominent proponent of the Protestant Reformation in Sweden, including Finland, which was a Swedish territory at the time. He is often called the "father of literary Finnish".

I decided to paraphrase Wikipedia for expediency, as the time is already 1:36am and I'm still writing the post.

Ok, guys, I'm exhausted. I came home 7 hours later, and I brought you a whole photo-story instead of one photo. That's why it took so long to edit and write. Sorry about that! But I hope you liked it!

Senare killar o' tjejer! I'll be back!

Public OPED Project Announcement:

One Photo Everyday is not just a challenge nor just a series of posts on Steemit but it’s our way of providing valuable pictures everyday to our amazing community in order to promote the storytelling through the lens of the cameras.

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[Previous post: Project 365 // Fortieth week in pictures (40/52)]

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