The house where memories live

Not everyone has the opportunity to take care of their elderly relatives on their own. And if you add here also a serious condition, the consequences, for example, of stroke and senile changes in the elderly, care for them will require more special skills and equipment. You can hire a nurse. But it will not help to solve all the issues that will arise when caring for an elderly person.

Today I want to talk about boarding houses for the elderly, where 24 hours a day their guests are under the untiring control of qualified personnel.

The mentality of the Soviet man resists, to some extent, the move of the elderly to a nursing home. However, from the human point of view, having thrown off the hysterics, one can understand that in some cases, especially if the old person requires some special care, for example, is immobilized or suffers from senile dementia - this is the best option, allowing a man of respectable age to have a sufficiently high quality of life, while not thinking that he burdensome burden lies on the shoulders of his relatives.

nursing home

To get started, we will acquaint ourselves with the living conditions in the boarding house for the elderly "Marushkino Pole", which is located 15 kilometers from Moscow along the Kiev highway, in the village of Davydkovo (Marushkino Pole-4).

boarding house for the elderly

We will consistently examine the nursing home: from top to bottom. Let's start with the third floor. Room number 9.

boarding house for the elderly

Everyone who lives in this room has a multi-functional medical bed (is capable of changing the geometry of the surface) and a bedside table for personal things.

boarding house for the elderly with dementia

Room number 9 is designed for four people.

boarding-house for the elderly

A spacious hall on the floor - a meeting place for active guests of the boarding house of elderly people, joint views of television programs and leisurely conversations.

boarding house 24 for elderly people in the Moscow region

At the same time they can immediately perform a simple nursing manipulation: to measure blood pressure, for example.


There are no special treatment rooms in the boarding house, they "give only tablets" according to the doctor's prescription.

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But there is a daily medical examination and control of medication.

care for the elderly

And the qualified staff of the boarding house of the elderly people all day and night takes care of their wards.

aged people

The boarding house is not just adapted for the life support of the elderly, but here they also carry out a complex of measures for rehabilitation after a stroke and fracture of the neck of the thigh. Also take care of the elderly with diabetes, joint and musculoskeletal disorders, vascular dementia, Alzheimer's disease and mental decline. Everything necessary for this in the boarding house is: both staff and equipment.

Room number 7 on the third floor.

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Lying guests for obvious reasons do not walk in the lobby of the floor.

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But they are not without attention from the staff of the nursing home. Every elderly person in a boarding house receives care of carers. And not one! If any procedure requires the help of two or more carers, then there are never any additional problems with the staff: there is always the opportunity to call an additional nurse from this floor and others.

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It is noteworthy that in the rooms where the guests live, there are no bathrooms. There are two bathrooms on each floor. This is how one of the bathrooms on the third floor looks like.

boarding-house for the elderly

Stairs from the third floor to the second.

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From the moment of admission and for the entire period of stay, an individual rehabilitation program is developed for everyone who enters the boarding house, including medical procedures, visits to the physiotherapy room, and sparing gymnastics to maintain general tonus, taking prescribed medications and psychological adaptation if necessary.

Hall of the second floor.

nursing home for the elderly and disabled

In the nursing home, the rooms are divided into male and female. Second floor. Women's room number 6.

By the way, you can always visit your relatives in a nursing home. For example, in this photo the son came to his mother.

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In addition to male and female rooms single superior rooms are provided, of course, living in them is more expensive.

On the photo: the second floor, single room number 5.

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Men's room number 3 on the second floor.

care for the elderly

If the guest's condition worsens (what to hide, this happens: elderly people), his relatives are immediately notified, and a doctor is invited to visit him. Thorough monitoring of the daily condition minimizes the risk of complications and worsening of the condition of the elderly living in the home. High qualification of the personnel of the boarding house of elderly people contributes to the restoration of vitality and successful adaptation of the patient to the surrounding conditions, taking into account his physical capabilities.

Women's room number 2 on the second floor.

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Examining the nursing home, I was most struck by a small amount of personal belongings. I suspect that all the old men have a lot of "memorable knots", a lot of old things and a whole warehouse of other rubbish. But here all the personal belongings of the guests fit in the bedside table, which creates the impression of some kind of emptiness and temporary stay in this room.

nursing home for the elderly and disabled

Second floor. First bathroom.

caring for the elderly

Second bathroom.

nursing home in the Moscow region

Considering the contingent of guests, there is all the necessary equipment.

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Stairs from the second to the first floor.

boarding house for elderly single people

Room number 1 on the first floor.

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Designed to accommodate six people.

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The first bathroom is on the first floor.

nursing home

nursing home

There is even a shower.

boarding house for single elderly people

Second bathroom on the first floor.

private boarding house for the elderly

nursing old people in a boarding house

Photo for memory: guests and staff of a nursing home.

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Dining room-kitchen.

home for the elderly

They prepare food for the residents of the house, and also arrange a joint meal for independent guests. At guests' stay, guests are fed at the place of their stay.

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Staff of the nursing home: those who 24 day care for their wards.

Nurses in the nursing home live right there on the territory of the boarding house, they work 6 days a week, they are provided with free housing, bedding, uniform and five meals a day.

nurse in a nursing home

And this is a ladder from the first floor to the basement. Below is still a lot of interesting things.

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Ground floor. Women's room for seven people.

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A bathroom in the basement.

care for the elderly

Laundry. Given the contingent of guests, there are always a lot of work.

private boarding house for the elderly

And now look at the boarding house of the elderly outside and on the territory where this house is located.

boarding house for the elderly

Three-story building of a nursing home (photo from the side of the facade).

boarding house for elderly people

Porch. There is a ramp for lifting / lowering strollers.

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View of the courtyard from the porch. Left: The building of the pool (we will go there yet), on the right: service building.

nursing home pool

The backyard of the boarding house for the elderly in the suburbs.

boarding house for the elderly in the suburbs

Walkway for walks around the backyard of a boarding house for elderly people and a covered gazebo.

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Let's return to the front patio: the pool building and the service building (for the staff).

nursing home for the elderly and disabled

Pool. We go to look at his insides.

swimming pool in a nursing home

Swimming pool for elderly people in the Moscow region.

swimming pool for a boarding-house for the elderly

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nursing home pool

Even the sauna is there.

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And now we will move to one more boarding house of elderly people "In Larks". The boarding house is located 21 km from Moscow along the Minsk highway, in the village of Dobrynia.

house of the elderly

Third floor. Here is one total volume, and the personal space of those living is fenced off by a screen.

private boarding house for the elderly

It seems to be all together, but at the same time everyone has their own personal space.

assistance to the elderly

The third floor is designed for independent elderly people.

nursing home

In good weather, you can go to a small covered balcony.

boarding house for the elderly

Stairs to the second floor.

house for the elderly

Second floor. Hall.

private boarding house

Here, too, you can go to the loggia.

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The fenced two-seater part of the hall.

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The personnel of the boarding house for the elderly have accumulated extensive experience with age-related diseases: Alzheimer's disease, stroke, heart attack, hip fracture, and with senile dementia. But in addition to professionalism in the activities of the nursing home staff is the attitude towards the elderly and the ability to find contact with a person in old age. In the boarding house work only professional, highly skilled employees who sincerely love the elderly.

Residents of the second floor.

nursing home in the suburbs

Single room.

nursing home

home for the elderly

Four-bed male room.

care of the elderly

Double room for women.

pensioners of the Moscow region

Spacious bathroom on the second floor.

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boarding house for elderly people

First floor. Triple room for women.

people boarding house for the elderly

Orthodox boarding house for the elderly


boarding house for elderly people

Hall on the first floor.

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The second part of the hall is on the first floor (next to the kitchen).

boarding house for the elderly in the suburbs

During his stay in the boarding house for the elderly, his guests can not be bored. Judge for yourself, here is an approximate daily routine (it is clear that according to the guest's condition the daily routine changes):

07:30 - 08:00 Ascension.
08:00 - 08:45 Morning toilet.
08:45 - 09:00 Gymnastics.
09:00 - 10:00 Breakfast.
10:00 - 11:30 Animation classes.
11:30 - 11:45 The second breakfast.
11:45 - 12:45 Walking.
13:00 - 14:00 Lunch.
14:00 - 15:00 Quiet time.
15:00 - 16:00 Free time, walk.
16:00 - 16:30 Snack.
16:30 - 19:00 Animation, free time.
19:00 - 19:30 Dinner.
19:30 - 21:00 Free time.
21:00 - 22:00 Evening toilet.
From 22:00 Night rest.

care of the elderly

And this I just caught a snack.

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Grandparents at the table are drinking tea, conversations are talking :) Even something like a family tea.

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When I received an invitation to visit a nursing home, I immediately had pictures of all the horrors of lonely old age in someone else's house.

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But, after visiting two boarding houses for the elderly, I saw a constant concern for the residents and the lack of loneliness. Rather, it was all like a country holiday home. I had the most positive impressions.

how is the nursing home

Find out the prices and details, as well as apply for accommodation of your relatives, you can on the site of the boarding house for the elderly.

caring for the elderly

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