What is the feeling that you get in the photograph of these two people?

What is the feeling that you get in the photograph of these two people?

This is a picture I took in a very impromptu way, I was sitting in the stands of the volleyball court and I really did not think about taking pictures at that moment, but luckily I had my camera with me and I visualized a group of guys quite far from me, I realize these two guys, I have no idea if they were in a relationship, if they like each other but what I saw is that there was great harmony to take a picture.

I adjusted the zoom of the camera quite high, since those two guys were quite far from me and at the right moment I captured the photo but...

Do you think that these people are in love or simply have a harmony with each other?

That's my question but I think it will not have answer, I don't know these people and I have nothing in common with them, the truth is that I would like to know them and show them this picture, maybe they laugh or tell me to erase it but I would instantly tell them that my lens and I got a great harmony between them. Maybe they fall in love or ignore it, we never know... 

The picture was taken by me with an Olympus Camera  SP-810UZ (14 Megapixels).


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