It's all about timing... Fog Series #1

Ever since I was a little child, I was fascinated by the weather.

For some time I have been contemplating about these series. Ever since I've moved on from the thunderstorms! It was just too dangerous and risky, and hell of an expensive trip!

You need a lot of different lenses, filters, you need a waterproof EVERYTHING and most importantly - you have to be close to your car at all times. Otherwise you might get hit by lightning, because thunderstorms move very fast and you miss your moment, so there is a lot of commute. I still haven't given up on thunder, I will love it forever, it's still my favourite, but maybe the time for that hasn't come yet.


The Fog however, is silent. And I found out that fog seems to be one of the most fascinating and inspirative things on Earth, not only for the person with a camera, but also for the person watching the photos of it.


Even if you are not a shutterbug I would kindly recommend a walk in the fog at least once, when a chance is given. It has a strange peacefulness about it. If you are a photographer however, getting up at 5 in the morning and making that lonesome trip to your scouted location will certainly BE worth it. Get out of your comfort zone, take your favorite lens and just go take pics!


I live in Zadar, a coastal city which creates manny opportunities for fog, especially in February/March. Whether it's architecture that you love, people or landscapes, everything looks hauntingly amazing in fog.


And don't think that your surroundings have nothing inspiring to offer, take a chair and put it in the middle of a foggy field and you will get an awesome shoot!


A few more tips:

  • watch out for your white balance and exposure, if you don't want all of your pics to look blueish or "cold"
  • never underestimate weather
  • bring cleaning tools when taking photos in wet/moist conditions
  • have your fun!

Thank you for reading! <3

All images and text are my original content. ©2019 direwolfslair All rights reserved.

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