On top of a mountain in Mallorca - Original Content

The title is because of the photo, just sayin' that now, cause I ramble on for quite a while in this one.

So I'm gonna make my goal of posting on Steemit at least once a day, just barely! It's 11:37pm here in Barcelona right now and what was supposed to be a chill beach day of Sabrina and I giving up on house hunting turned into a crazy whirlwind running around the city, viewing the best (read: coolest) flat we have seen yet, putting a reserve on it, and getting the paper work started, WHAAAAATTTT???

Well, we haven't gotten the place yet, we still have to be approved by the owner. We are learning it is a bit of a crazy system here in Spain, they require a lot of info on income, holdings, tax, you, everything, etc. etc, etc. ad infinitum, which we don't have all of, but we are working on it! We are really really really, I mean REALLY hoping we will get this place, and we will find out by Tuesday from what I understand, which is the day we either sign the contract or get let down, so here's to hoping we get to sign that contract!

In other news this whole mess is further complicated by the fact we don't have a Spanish bank account yet (will need one to rent the flat), banks were closed early today for some reason (they are meant to be open into the afternoon on Thursdays) and we took on a SUPER short notice job in Girona tomorrow (ironically at the exact same castell that we photographed at two weeks ago) to help out a friend who had a family emergency. So tomorrow is going to be insane, and I may well not meet my goal of making a post every day. Have to go out to the airport at 10:00am to pick up a rental car, meanwhile Sabrina will be trying to get the bank account. We plan to leave here by 12:00, be in Girona by 2:00, start shooting the wedding by 3:00, hopefully finish by 11:00 or 12:00 and then drive home that night. Gonna be absolutely wasted by Saturday

Anyhow, enough rambling! Plus it's now 11:47 so I'm runnin'outta time! Here's a photo from on top of a mountain in Mallorca. We photographed this incredible elopement a few weeks back and I can't wait to really start digging into these photos :)

Mallorca wedding photographer - Dallas and Sabrina.jpg

This photo was taken using a Nikon D750 Camera and Nikkor 85mm f1.4 lens. Exposure was 1/2500 at f1.4 and ISO 100. The photo was edited using Adobe Lightroom 5 and a custom edited preset based on our friends Don & Helen's D+H preset packs.

I'm off to bed, for real this time folks, I need to sleep somethin fierce. I've been loving all the comments lately so please drop one on me, but I won't be answering them until a bit later this time cause of the business.

As always if you enjoyed this post feel free to drop one of those sweet, sweet upvotes on me as well, you know I always appreciate them! And be sure to follow me @dexter-k on Steemit to watch all of our adventures around the world, and see new original content every day :)

Thanks for reading!


P.s It's 11:54, I JUST made it! ;)

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