Rusty made some friends - Rusty's Adventures #2


Photo taken by me @derangedvisions

The big day


Today was a big day for Rusty. It was introduction day. He had seen the other cats and the dogs before, but I kept them away until I felt that he was ready to get up close and personal to them. I also had to make sure that Titus and Harley were going to be gentle with the little guy.

When I set Rusty down on the floor, the dogs wanted to get close, but they knew that Rusty was nervous, so they kept their distance and didn't get too close. After a little bit of time, Rusty started to get more comfortable with the dogs being around, so he started exploring the kitchen a bit more.


Photo taken by me @derangedvisions

Like a good big brother, Titus wanted to get close and make sure that Rusty was ok, but every time he got close, Rusty got spooked. Titus would back off and then Rusty would go back to exploring.


Photo taken by me @derangedvisions

Rusty found a nice place to hide out and feel more secure while he watched everything that was going on. Eventually Titus laid down on the ground a little bit away from him and just watched him for a little bit.

I thought it would be a good time to introduce Rusty to Sophie, so I took him to the cat tower where Sophie was taking a nap. Sophie was really good with him and after a couple hisses, she eventually let him cuddle with her. Titus was right there to keep a close eye on him and make sure that he was safe.


Photo taken by me @derangedvisions

I think Rusty is going to fit in quite nicely with the other pets. Rusty and my son's kitten, Keiichi, have been doing good learning how to use the litter box over the past 2 days.

Tonight we are going to be moving their little box upstairs into the room where the other cat's box is and they are all going to sleep in there tonight for a nice night of bonding. Our other Siamese cat Sammy hasn't really taken to them yet, so hopefully after tonight, they all can get along better and the kittens can start to feel more at home.


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