Zoo time! A different day at the zoo in Athens!

Phoenicopterus roseusIMG_7667.JPGPhoenicopterus roseus lives in lagoons with salt water and lakes. The population around the world is estimated at around 800,000 birds and is scattered. Migrate to small groups.

Puma concolorIMG_7851.JPGPuma is a nocturnal preditor, it mainly hunts in the dark.

Lorius garrulusIMG_7831.jpgLorius garrulus, Their name comes from their habit of "whirling" all day long.
They are extremely smart and have an amazing ability to mimic sounds and voices.
They usually make their nest on very tall trees 20-25 meters above the ground.

Panthera oncaIMG_7862.JPGPanthera onca prefers marshland and tropical forests, near rivers or lakes. Kills his prey with a single bite to the head, not on the throat or neck like the other felines.

Tursiops truncatus ponticusIMG_7736.JPGDolphins never sleep! They jump up to 5 meters above sea level to crawl fish flox, for erotic demonstration or just for fun. Dolphins are very successful in treating people with psychological problems and developmental difficulties.

Nasua nasuaIMG_7848.JPGNasua nasua are omnivorous, eat invertebrates and fruits. They are related to raccoons but are larger in size than these.

Iguana iguanaIMG_7942.jpgIguana iguana reaches 2m in length. In Latin America it's meat is considered a great delicacy and is now reared in farms for it's meat but also for his promotion in pet trade.

Bos taurusIMG_7683.JPGThe Dutch breeders bred and oversaw the development of the breed with the goal of obtaining animals that could best use grass, the area's most abundant resource. Over the centuries, the result was a high-producing, black-and-white dairy cow.

Equus asinusIMG_7679.JPGEquus asinus is famous for his proverbial patience. It is also a symbol of humility.

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