📷 FILM PHOTOGRAPHY 📷 : Panoramic Composite Pictures

Panoramic shots using my Olympus Pen EF


"Sto. Domingo Chruch in Quezon City; Film used is Kodak ColorPlus 200"

I recently shared the shots I got from my first roll of film here. I tried creating composite photos from multiple shots to create a somewhat panoramic view. I am yet to perfect the technique on taking seamless panoramic view, but I think what it looks like right now gives a crooked feeling to it which seems to be more artistic in a way.

I got the idea of shooting panoramic shots using composite photos when I was looking for sample of shots using my Olympus Pen EF. I saw that it was one of the tricks some photographers do with it. I seemed cool when I saw it so I tried creating one. When then time came when I got the scanned shots of my first three rolls of films, I got over excited to see what my panoramic shots looked like. It looked cool and awesome so I might continue doing this kind of trick once in a while.

While drinking coffee, I noticed that the view outside would be great as a panoramic photo so I took a shot of it.


"View Outside out Condominium; Film used is Kodak ColorPlus 200"

Here is a shot I took when I was crossing an overpass in Eastwood Libis. I wanted to take a picture of how the hustle and the bustle of the city looks like during my morning commute. This picture shows a very light traffic which is a actually a miracle because most of the time, E. Rodriguez Jr. street has heavy traffic.


"E. Rodriguez Jr. Street; Film used is Kodak ColorPlus 200"

It's our daily routine to buy coffee after our lunch and I took this photo while I was off to buy some coffee at the office. I had to haste taking this picture a I have to cross the shown pedetrian crossing. Had to run to the other side after taking this photo.


"Pedestrian Crossing inside Eastwood City Libis; Film used is Kodak ColorPlus 200"

I was on my morning commute when I took this picture. I had extra time so I took a picture of LRT2 which is one of the ways of transportation here in the Philippines.


"Light Railway Transit Line 2; Film used is Fujifilm C200"

Another picture during my morning commute. Had to go down the jeepney on the stop I was not yet supposed to got down but had to because I wanted to test out the new film I installed in my camera. which was Fujifilm.


"Kia Theater and Gateway Tower 2 in Cubao; Film used is Fujifilm C200"

I had salad and Porkchop for lunch that time. I forgot my salad dressing at home so I had to go to the supermarket to buy some. I took this photo just for the heck of it.


"Vegetable aisle in Robinsons Supermarket in Eastwood; Film used is Fujifilm C200"

It was a tuesday morning when I went to Hidalgo street in Quiapo. I went there by 8 am to meetup with someone. I was going to buy 10 pcs of expired Kodak Ultramax 400. I got it for 150 pesos per roll which was a cheap price for an expired film.


"Quiapo Church; Film used is Agfa Vista 200"

Hope you had fun looking at my work, will be uploading more on the coming days.


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