My photo_diary #32 Basil ~Vasilikos

Basil in Greek "vasilikos" is an a annual green plant with specific aromatic leaves! It very much known as an kitchen herb because of its use at cookery...also fresh or dried. It gives a special flavour to spaghetti sauses, fresh salads, grilled meat etc
img_0.38940081957289857.jpgEvery house at Greece grows basil at their garden or at the balcony as you can see mine above the picture! Right below you can my mother's garden where she grows different kinds of "vasilikos" with special aroma, flavour... fresh and vigorous green colours!!!
In Greece also it is used not only for decorating and gardening but for keeping mosquitoes away from people during summertime!
You should experience planting and growing this exceptional herb and also discover its use in daily life... Vasilikos!!!!!

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