Road Warriors (Photo Project)

A while ago I started another long term street-photography project.
The theme was to photograph people on the move. Whether they were walking, biking or riding some other kind of vehicle.

As I myself commute to work on a daily base and travel to different cities. I could incorporate this photography during my own travel.

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The joy of street-photography is as I have mentioned in my previous photo posts.
Once you start looking for a specific thing, you tend to see it everywhere! Where other people just walk from point A to B, you as a photographer tend to see and appreciate more of what is going on around. I also started noticing allot of the different characters out there passing me by every day.

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In the Netherlands where I live, people travel moderate to long distances to get to their work. Some have multiple stages like a triathlon, they first cycle to the local train or bus station, then take the public transportation and then they walk a short distance to reach their destination.

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People used to work were they lived and did not cover large distances to go to work. But these days as public transportation has become cheaper, more comfortable and faster, people are traveling more often and farther.

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Allot of people have public transportation subscriptions, so they scan their pass and go on auto pilot from and to their destination. More and more people are working on their laptops, sleeping, Facebooking and getting entertained while in commute. This also makes that people do not mind travelling over greater distances.

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I really like that public transportation is becoming friendlier for the disabled and old. This gives them such freedom to travel around!

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Sometimes I imagine. For example this military man, did he just return home from a war? What did he experience?

So, this wraps it up, I hope you enjoyed this one.

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See you next time!!

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