Photography Tips anyone can learn #2 - Into Sun fun.


It can be a nightmare when you want to take a particular photo but it's straight into sun.

Here's a little trick I use often on my iPhone (or any camera for that matter) to make it a feature of the image.

Find something - be it a street sign, branch, corner of a building - even a person and obstruct the sun with them as you frame up your shot. Then very slowly, move the camera left, right, up or down until the sun JUST pops out. You get this great effect - and many others! It makes your photos so much more usable than ending up with an over-exposed sky or a silhouette.

Try it - it's a fun one that not many even think to try.


Here's one, taken on iPhone, from a walk through an forest on the way up a hill in Central Italy.

Note: Apologies to all UK Steemians - who rarely get the opportunity to photograph anything with the sun out :P

Ciao - Andy

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