Snæfellsnes Peninsula in three shots.

Iceland can make you stop shooting. It's called "photographer's paradise" but to me, it's becoming a hell difficult to capture all the beauty that surrounds me, keep my own style, tell the story and to be outstanding at the same time.

I have an impression that everything has already been taken in so many different ways and angles that there's no place for creativity.

Nevertheless, I accept the challenge.

My plan for June was to visit Western Fiords. Pure, wild nature combined with the decay of an old herring factory in Djupavik.

Unfortunately, the weather conditions and technical issues stopped me and my travel companion so the furthest we got was Snæfellsnes Peninsula. Locals say that Snæfellsnes is Iceland in a nutshell. And I cannot agree more. The Peninsula hosts everything you want to see while visiting the island: waterfalls, black beaches, volcanoes, lava fields, glaciers.

And as Snæfellsnes summarizes the diversity and uniqueness of Iceland, I decided to condense all my shots in only three pictures.

Snæfellsnes2  (1).jpg

Snæfellsnes  (2).jpg

Snæfellsnes  (3).jpg

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