They are still spraying...

I have not made a post for some time I do apologise, with getting back into the swing of things.. Hard to pick up the routines after a holiday..

Still have my eyes on the sky though....


With winter well and truly hitting the UK, they.. (TPTB).. wish to add more matter to the skies with their "aerosol spraying".. for "geoengineering"..


I have been watching and reading the weather forecasts, and the snow sure enough came..


... the worlds weather currently is in a crazy way.. what with the US having this "polar vortex" and Australia having a super heatwave.. simultaneously... is it that much of a stretch of the mind to say that they are creating/manipulating our skies...


Thankyou for the continued support, I have been here on steemit for nearly a year now.. and very happy with the response ane platform itself.. take care, and please feel free to speak up..

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