Magical light rays on the Oregon Coast (album)

Last month, some friends and I took a trip down to Samuel H. Boardman State Scenic Area, on the Oregon Coast. The weather was absolutely perfect. Much needed after the winter we've had up in Washington.. cold, wet and grey.

This particular morning we were treated to some magical light. The mist from the crashing waves below thickened the air, causing the light to manifest in a more visible manner. These were some of the coolest light rays I've seen. It seriously looked like a scene from a fairy tale, as cliche at that sounds.


I'm going to be heading back down this way soon- to hopefully catch this wonderful scene with the recent wildflower blooms.



All photos were taken with a Nikon D800 paired with a Nikon 24-70mm f/2.8G, for the camera nerds out there :)

Have any of you ever seen light this magical? If so, where at? So I can visit.. heh.


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