Steem Price hasn't been looking up and yet I AM BACK.

No, I didn't run away.


Let's just say I went on an adventure.
No, Not like Walter Mitty adventure or Journey to the Center of the earth kinda adventure. This is an African boy's adventure. In Nigeria sighs.

So here's my run down for these months I've been away guys;

-- I've been in school (Cries).
-- I am in final year now. (Yeahhhhhhhh).
-- I have not gotten a girlfriend yet.
-- I attended my first Photography Masterclass. (Damn, I felt like quitting photography, these guys were awesome).
-- Relax...I didn't quit.
-- I fell in love with mobile photography again.
-- I think my pictures are better now.
-- The best part, I am on holiday now so it's me and you all day.

IMG_20180810_162753~2.jpg Took this with and android phone though.

Heh, told you it wasn't that kind of adventure. But Long story short, I'm Back here now. Posting some of my new works and learning from great guys here. It's good to be back here. Leggoooo

Big shout out to the guys I've missed:
@jayclar30 and @nevies

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