Fairy Tales | A Place on Earth the Part of Heaven | Mystery of Lake Saiful Malook Pakistan

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When I first visit "Lake Saiful Malook". I was astonished to see that its happening in reality, I heared lot of mysterious stories about this lake but I was unsure before visiting. I'm witness that this place is "Part of Heaven in Earth". As many tourists also agreed with me.
People who come from other countries(specially nature explorers) show their curiosity to visit this place.
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Honestly speaking I visited 2 times this place and I watched 6 to 7 landscapes in visit of 4 to 5 hours per visit and you can see in my shared pictures that this place changes its landscape within hours, people who visit this place once, they can enjoy 3 to 5 landscapes in a single time. Its amazing that the full landscape change itself in hours and can you believe that on your next visit you cannot recognize that you are at same place.
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People who are lovers of nature in Pakistan visit "Lake Saiful Malook" in priority. Now discuss the mysteries of this beautiful place.
Many persons try to measure the depth of this lake but no one succeeded to measure its depth. The 2nd mystery is that the rocks are like this that the color of whole landscape changes with sun movements.
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The peak called "Malka e Parbat" is with "Saif ul Malook" lake always covered with a piece of cloud. You cannot see a single picture of "Malka e Parbat" without covering of a small piece of seperate cloud.
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Malka e Parbat is 3rd highest peak in Pakistan and no one conquer it till now. Anybody who try to reach the peak top never return.
The lake "Saif ul Malook"s name is consist of two names, 1st is Saif, its a Prince name of old times, who visit that place almost 1000+ years ago and he meet with a fairy named: Malook. Both start love each other and so on. It looks like a fairy tale but people who live there said that its a true story.
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Saif ul malook is in Naran City in Pakistan. The whole city is a dream for every nature lover. All the pictures in this post are of same place and same angle but different landscapes. Thank you.

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