Highlights From Cuba Trip... Or should i Say JUBA. SCUBA, Moped run in with Polica.

Hey Steamian,

Been busy starting up a new business and such... after this post i will be sticking to more of vblog type of posts. Get to know me a bit better hehe.

Anyways i would like to share some highlights of my Juba Trip. I will elaborate on why i call it Juba.

One...the market where you buy things charges you a peso to use the washroom. Also some guy literally came out of nowhere with a wife beater and a bicycle and tells me i have to pay for parking when like three other guys come and park with no hassle...Then he had the nerve to ask for a tip.

Two... the convertible peso which is only allowed to be used by tourists is a complete fraud. It is par and sometimes worth more than and American Dollar...give me a break. What in the hell does this country produce to make it par. Plus it's only valid in the country. I keep a peso in my wallet as a reminder of how jewy this place is.

Three...This is what earned Cuba the name Juba. At the INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT they also wanted a god dam peso to use the bathroom. Yes there is an option to use another one but it's not maintained and has no toilet seat. This was common for "free" bathrooms there.

Anyways here is some of my adventure.

First is the Catamaran...this is just a pic with nobody including me in it. Just showing what it looks like


This one is on a island with no resorts...but it has booze and food. GOOD enough for me and my pirate friend.


Next is my scuba diving pics. I have no idea what this weird looking lobstar thing is but it is creeeeepy ass.


This pic looks like he is pointing at me.


This one is of a big fish. Funny because i seen this fish at the resort buffet a day later. I was like hey that's that fish.


This one is of some type of shark. Like a reef shark or something. Looked fairly big.


Here is me with my sexy moped helmet after being jewed


This is just before i called pulled over for speeding 60km (TOP SPEED) on a moped apparently. Apparently they just wave their clipboard at you to pull you over. No charge. I worked my Canadian charm eh.


Here are some of the old cuban classic cars which were cool to see.


And just a one shot of the fairly massive resort. its of the Infinity pool and the ocean.


That is basically it. Personally i will not be going back to Juba... Unless someone i like has another wedding their. At which point I might try and get out of it.

Anyways hope you all enjoyed. Vblogs coming soon.

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