A Different Kind of Chaos - Let The Galaxy Burn!!


When talking about chaos, people usually imagine something destructive or disruptive. I have a different view on it and this will be the subject of the post today. There are many forces of chaos, however, the particular forces I will talk about today will be the ones referenced in the Warhammer 40K universe, specifically the Gods of Chaos.

In the grim darkness of the future, there is only War.

Each of the chaos gods represent a different aspect of chaos, and to me, every god has its upside and downside. But I like to take the road less traveled so I'll be looking at the positives.


His names include the Blood God and the Lord of Skulls. He is the Chaos God of Blood, War, and Murder.

He may well be the god of dripping gore, but he is also the god of brotherhood, passion and some could even argue love. Without a driving force behind your actions, why even bother? You could say the antitheses of Khorne is apathy, inaction. So instead of being an engine of woe, if you look at the worship of Khorne in the right light. You could get quite a bit of motivation from this brand of Chaos.


The Changer of Ways and is the Chaos God of Change, Evolution, Intrigue, and Sorcery.

Being known as the changer of ways, and he represents mutation, evolution, multiple branches into the future. Without this, we would again be stagnant and never changing, albeit immortal. Frozen forever in a single state. To me, this particular aspect represents the constant struggle for the betterment of self and the others around you. To scheme merely for the sake of scheming doesn't always mean you will be scheming for one's own gain.


Named as the Plague Lord and is the Chaos God of Disease, Decay, and Destruction.

The god of death, destruction, decay, and disease. Now it might be a little hard to see a flip side to this particularly nice guy. However, I see destruction as a chance at rebirth. From adversity breeds innovation. So to be challenged in a way terminal gives you a new chance at life. A chance to improve your path and build on top of the broken bodies of the ones that came before. Nurgle also represents acceptance of all, so in some ways also represents love. As my interpretation of love is to accept without judgment or expectation. Very powerful message there.


Called upon as the Dark Prince, the Prince of Pleasure, the Lord of Excess and the Perfect Prince.

Well well well, Slaanesh is an interesting one, being the embodiment of all things in excess. From glutton to lust to obsession, it is rather hard to put a spin on this one. But pleasure for pleasure itself seems to me to represent living for the moment, acting not out of fear for the future or for another. But embracing each moment to the fullest. I would argue that Slaanesh is the most enlightened and powerful of the Chaos Gods. Due to the fact that he/she/it does not operate on any motive beyond living to the fullest at all times. there are no laws of honor, brotherhood or schemes and threads to follow like Khorne, Nurgle or Tzeentch just pure unadulterated pleasure. It really doesn't matter what you throw at a devotee of Slaanesh, they will love it all the same.

I'm a firm believer in the two sided coin, everything has a flip side. Inside all of us is a little bit of chaos in all its forms. Don't seek to lock it down and make it conform. Instead, embrace the positive aspects over the negatives. Transform those energies into something that builds you up instead of tears you down. Remember that like breeds like. If you embrace a negative spiral you will only come out the other end diminished. But if you bounce off the bottom, flip that coin over, take the fire and forge a new tool you will be better equipped for the journey ahead.

In short..

Let The Galaxy Burn!!

Thank you for taking the time to read my simple words dearest readers.

Hope you have a fantastic day, keep on keeping on. Much love. <3


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